凌燕曦(サニー・リン) – Sunnie Ling | 舞踊Ⅲ課の女傑、世界を揺るがすカリスマ

Dance Ⅲ Div.
Dancer, Fashion model
Age 21, 171 cm, 50 kg

From an early age, she has been working as a Lieutenant (section manager), dancer and model at CYGNUS.CC.

Her special skill is Sword Dancing. She also looks after the children on board. Always with a smile and always cheerful, Sunnie was named after the sun, “Solaris” (Sun). She is wildly popular amongst the Asian female population, but behind that reliable facade lies … an unparalleled troublemaker with a rather boyish personality. Her hobbies include driving around in luxury cars and on fast, expensive bikes.

Because of her popularity growing so exponentially, she was featured not only in CYGNUS.CC related media, but also internationally. Her sudden popularity attracted negative reactions from outside as well as inside the company. There is, however, a ‘reason’ to why this attention is necessary for her… however…

Before Sunnie was able to perform in .CC’s Japan-tour, the moment she had practically been living towards, she got severely burned during an accident on stage…

In that instant, a person called “Rainie Lan” climbed on stage and acted as Sunnie’s double to save her performance. Their meeting would alter Sunnie’s life for good.

キグナス株式会社 舞台芸術事業部 舞踊Ⅲ課所属


