ノエルちゃん – Noel Chan | おしゃれ大好き♡ 美少女エヴァンジェリスト

Age 14, 154 cm, 43 kg

​Hibari’s classmate. A bouncy naive girl, but well informed about the latest fashion trends and gossip within the entertainment world. She adores movies, musicals and stage plays and is especially devoted to CYGNUS.CC’s 3rd dance devision’s captain, Sunnie Rin.

Born with light coloured hair as her special feature and part of the louder and brighter group of people in class. Despite all this she is actually more interested in the glamorous life of celebrities than the sappy love-stories her peers seem to be enamoured with. It is because of this reason that she felt she didn’t really fit in.

During one of their music classes, she heard Hibari sing and instantly fell in love. From then on she wanted to get to know Hibari and they became close friends.

Currently, she is in a different class from her 2 best friends, but whenever they have some free time she will go over to Hibari and they would share the latest news about CYGNUS.CC.


